By Brad Donahue
With the signs of fall in the air it’s sort of like back to school for the Montavilla Neighborhood Association. In our case it happens that it’s time for our annual election of board directors, October 14 at 6:30 pm. MNA meets at the Montavilla United Methodist Church, 232 SE 80th Ave. There are currently at least nine vacancies on the MNA board you can nominate yourself for.
Every nominated person will get a chance to talk about themselves and why they would like to be on the Board. If you are elected, you could become Chairperson, or a treasurer, or a board member that helps out and contributes ideas and resources.
If you are interested in being on the board or want more information about the election or the neighborhood association, go to There’s a place (the button looks like = ) to enter your questions or comments and send them to us. We look forward to meeting you and talking with you.
A number of things come to mind when I think of the benefits of a NA. One of them is to meet new people and share ideas. Another is to learn about ways that we can help each stay safe.
There are a number of issues around the community that are of concern to people, traffic safety being one of them, dealing with and helping the homeless is another. There are any number of these things can be put on the table and talked about. People can help out by being part of one of several committees; we have a Safety Committee, a Land Use and planning committee, a homeless committee as well as a Communications committee.
Usually we reach out to community members of formal organizations to bring in presentations. Recently we had the Portland NET Portland Neighborhood Emergency Team present ideas of what to do in extreme disasters, such as a major earthquake. In the past we have had candidates for different regional offices come talk about why they want to be elected.