South Tabor October 2019

By Tina Kimmey

Thanks to everyone that joined us in mixed weather conditions for the 10th Annual Harvest Festival on the 2nd Sunday in September. We enjoyed crafts, corn, cider, music and community fellowship once again. Thanks to all the guests, volunteers, numerous sponsors, and Trinity Fellowship for helping make this years celebration a success.

The Land Use Committee meeting on Tuesday, October 15 will host a representative from the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) and will be focused on a plan for SE Woodward between 61st and 62nd.

The pinch point along this Greenway is a safety hazard for all using it but especially for bikes and pedestrians. There are no sidewalks in this stretch, so pedestrians walk on the road.

PBOT completed a traffic survey and found that the number of vehicles using the street during high volume times exceeds the limit for a neighborhood greenway and they’re examining traffic calming options. If you live in and around this area, join us at the next meeting where you can learn about some of these measures and find out how they might affect your street.

September’s Land Use Committee meeting had a presentation regarding the proposed building of new housing behind St. Mark’s Church. Working with Do Good Multnomah this affordable housing project is to home veterans with planned completion in spring 2021. For more information go to 

As always, we invite neighbors and interested parties to our monthly meetings; Land Use next meets October 15, 7-8:30 pm, and the next General meeting will be October 17, 7-8:30 pm. Join us as we meet in the Trinity Fellowship building, 2700 SE 67th Ave. Enter on the east from the rear parking lot. For more information go to or send questions to

South Tabor October 2019

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