Neighborhood Notes September 2021


By Jill Riebesehl

The Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Association Board had planned to reconvene in-person meetings in September, but will review that decision given the rise of the new delta COVID-19 variant. If an in-person meeting is deemed dangerous, we will continue to meet via Zoom.  

For those who would like to be kept informed, add your name to our mailing list by emailing The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 21, 7 pm.

Montavilla Neighborhood Association

By Jacob Loeb

The Montavilla Neighborhood Association (MNA) took August off this year. Members continued to work on area cleanups, website updates and ongoing community support activities. 

Cleanup crews focused on Montavilla twice this August. The 82nd Ave Business Association partnered with the MNA in a cleanup covering the neighborhood’s entire length of 82nd Ave. At the end of the month, SOLVE Oregon and JOIN held a cleanup centered around JOIN’s office location near I-84.

Last month MNA launched a new section of the website featuring upcoming events and helpful programs. The section, called Items Of Interest, is available at This section intends to provide a space for quick updates and notices for those members who do not follow the MNA Facebook page.

MNA is seeking Board members for several open positions. Elections occur in October, with candidates announcing during the September general meeting. This year, there is room for up to six new Board members. With a significant number of seats open, there is an excellent opportunity to shape the Board more equitably. Everyone is welcome to participate. If you are from an underrepresented group, the MNA needs your perspective on the Board. Email for information if you’d like to serve.

The next General Meeting is Monday, September 13, 6:30 pm. Details and the registration link are available at the MNA website

Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association

By John Laursen

MTNA hosted the monthly meeting Wednesday, August 18 via Zoom. Mount Tabor Park is the center of our neighborhood and provides recreation and respite to all users. Learn more about parks events at    

Most recently Friends of Mt. Tabor contacted RACC and the City of Portland to learn what steps RACC has planned to replace the park statues. Both MTNA and Friends of Mt. Tabor encouraged RACC to engage the public for opinion and input on what will honor the park and its users. 

Start training, get the family out and plan to attend the 9th Annual Tar and Feather 5k and 10k Run. The run won unanimous support from MTNA provided there is no amplified sound for the fundraising event on Sunday, October 3. 

MTNA will host the next community meeting Wednesday, September 15 on Zoom. Find links for this and all of our meetings, under the “Meetings and Events” tab of our website, MTNA creates a monthly newsletter about important civic issues, which you can find on our website next to each month’s meeting minutes.

North Tabor Neighborhood Association

By Kim Kasch

The North Tabor Neighborhood Association met on August 17. Emily Coleman from Transition Projects, Inc. (TPI) gave a presentation on TPI’s objectives with information on how neighbors can partner with them as volunteers to support our unhoused neighbors. TPI serves Portland’s population both as a warming and a cooling center in severe weather but that isn’t all.

One of TPI’s main volunteer needs is help preparing meals for the eight shelters they run around town. If you are interested in helping (even if you are considering one meal around the holidays), check out the volunteer page at

There are additional volunteer opportunities, such as sorting mail or teaching a craft at a shelter. If you are interested in these opportunities, check out the page here

Check our website at and sign-up for the newsletter to keep informed of upcoming issues affecting the North Tabor Neighborhood. Join us via Zoom any third Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm. You can find the link on our website.

Richmond Neighborhood Association

By Allen Field

The Richmond Neighborhood Association held its monthly meeting August 9. Meetings are held via Zoom the second Monday of the month, 6:30-8:30 pm. Preregistration is required and the link to preregister is on the Agenda, posted at the RNA’s website ( and sent out to the RNA Announce listserv. To be added to the listserv, email

Steven Fang, developer of the properties at 1812/1822 SE CĂ©sar E. Chavez Blvd., next to Central Christian Church, was on the agenda to update the Board on changes to his plans based on feedback given at the July meeting. He indicated to the Chair before the meeting that he had not heard back from the city on his plans, so he had no new information to provide.

The Board discussed forming a DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusion, access) committee. Board members expressed an interest in attending the Laurelhurst DEIA committee to get ideas on a charter and projects.

Update on Fred Meyer Hawthorne South Entrance: The deadline for Fred Meyer to complete its Design Review application to permanently close the south entrance doors is August 30. City staff informed Fred Meyer that the pending, incomplete application would most likely not be approved. After August 30, Fred Meyer might file a request for code adjustment/waiver to seek the ability to close south doors at 5 pm. It is currently in violation of city code by closing the south entrance and is being fined $700 per month, which will be doubled in October if the south doors remain closed.

Until an application for code adjustment is completed, there is no land use application for the RNA to vote on. The RNA previously informed Fred Meyer it opposes closing the south entrance and will likely oppose any land use application to that effect, but it will invite Fred Meyer to explain the reasons for closing the south entrance.

The next meeting is Monday, September 11. Please attend if you want to be more involved in and informed about your community.

Neighborhood Notes September 2021

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