Neighborhood Notes July 2022


By Jill Riebesehl

The Board of the Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood asked Paul Leistner, who has long been involved in citizen participation in Portland for a brief history. He said we did not have a system before the 1970s and there was no system for residents to become involved with city decision-making. Portland established its neighborhood association system in 1974. Leistner described just how active the city was in this, which became recognized as a national standout. The democratic urge was to “push power out to the community.” He emphasized that to be effective NAs must know who lives in the neighborhood. Linda Nettekoven, who was also involved early on, mentioned that the political push included an insistence that “people have the right” to be involved. The relationship between the city and neighborhoods has changed over the years. For example, it was different with Mayors Katz and Potter. Recently, the oversight coalitions and NAs are focusing increasingly more on finding ways to include folks who have been historically left out.  

Also on the agenda was Nanci Champlin, executive director of Southeast Uplift. She explained in detail how the coalition can aid SE residents, including but not limited to fundraising and grant writing. She also explained the city’s expectations and requirements of neighborhoods. Among the bonuses, it provides insurance for NA events and for NA Boards’ officers.  

Board member Bruce Bikle briefly described an effort by All Good NW to create a temporary sanctuary at 120 SE Market St. for people who are homeless. The process involves taking applications from people who are living on the streets and will include a Good Neighbor agreement. The county is leasing the site in the industrial district for this purpose. Bikle said the city is cooperating with the county program, as are the police.

Allen Field, of the Richmond NA, was happy to announce that Movies in the Park will return this summer. It will be “Raya and the Last Dragon,” on Saturday, August 27, at Sewallcrest Park, 31st Ave. and Stephens St. The Board agreed to provide $300 for the event. 

HAND’s next meeting will be Tuesday, July 19, 7 pm via Zoom.  

Montavilla Neighborhood Association

By Jacob Loeb

The June 13 Montavilla Neighborhood Association (MNA) meeting featured presentations focused on infrastructure improvements in the area. Nicole Peirce with the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) provided updates regarding the NE Halsey Street Safety and Access to Transit project. Libby Winter from TriMet supplied information regarding the MAX light-rail Better Red project. Steve Law from Friends of Mt. Tabor Park explained how his group improves the park experience and requested that a member of the neighborhood participate in some of their meetings as a Montavilla liaison.

On Sunday, July 31, the Montavilla Street Fair will return after a two-year hiatus. The event’s activities run 10 am-5 pm on SE Stark St. between 76th and 82nd Aves. The MNA will have a booth with prizes and friendly people ready to talk to you about the neighborhood. Please stop by and say hello if you attend.

The next MNA meeting is Monday, July 11, 6:30 pm. Register for the Zoom link at the MNA website ( We will discuss the creation of a Parks Committee and the return of a former Board member. Audio recordings of the previous gatherings are available online at

Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association

By Nadine Fiedler

MTNA hosted a community meeting June 15 on Zoom. Our special guests were Goldann Salazar and Yvette Perez-Chavez from City Commissioner Mingus Mapps’ office. The discussion focused on the reservoir in Mt. Tabor Park that is currently empty and in need of repair due to some voids that have opened up under the reservoir floor. City Council passed a binding resolution in 2015 to keep the reservoirs filled, so the discussion covered topics such as funding and timeline for the repairs and the binding nature of this resolution. Salazar will bring these concerns to Commissioner Mapps and has promised to come back and report during the August MTNA meeting.

MTNA will host its next community meeting on Zoom Wednesday, July 20, 7 pm. All neighbors are invited to attend. Find links for this and all of our meetings under the “Meetings and Events” tab of our website,

Richmond Neighborhood Association

By Allen Field

The Richmond Neighborhood Association held its monthly meeting on June 13. Zoom meetings are the second Monday of the month, 6:30-8:30 pm. The link to preregister is on the agenda, which is posted to and the RNA Announce listserv. To be added to the listserv, email

Several members from the redevelopment project team for Peaceful Villa Affordable Housing introduced themselves and gave an overview of the redevelopment plan of the affordable housing complex on SE Clinton between at 46th and 47th Aves. There are currently 70 units.  Plans are to develop the four-acre site to accommodate 180 units. They are in the early schematic design phase. A Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was formed to get input from a variety of interested parties and stakeholders. To get on the email list for CAC meetings, contact Pamela Kambur, Construction is expected to begin 2024 with residents returning 2026. 

Nanci Champlin, SE Uplift Executive Director, gave a presentation of the programs and services SEUL offers.

The Board welcomed its newest Board Members–Richard Bruno and Matt Tucker–and returning/re-elected Board Members Heather Flint Chatto, Simon Kiperzstok and Allen Field.  Officers were appointed (Chair: Debby Hochhalter; Secretary: Allen Field; and Treasurer: Simon Kiperzstok), as well as Committee Chairs and RNA Representatives/Liaisons. The Board held a Board Orientation. 

The May 21 Richmond Spring Clean Up was huge success. We were visited by a record number of vehicles dropping off bulky waste and materials for recycling (styrofoam, electronics, metal).  An enormous amount of reusable items were repurposed in our U-Price-It rummage sale and the plant sale was the largest we’ve had–most of the plants were donated by Fred Meyer, which has always been a big supporter of this event. A huge thank you to Automotive Parts for providing the light bulbs for the free taillight bulb replacement service offered by We are already thinking of ways to improve next year. If you’d like to be a volunteer next year, contact  

Our next meeting is Monday, July 11. Please attend to be more involved in and informed about your community.

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association

By Gloria Jacobs

The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association held its annual Board Elections for the June meeting and voted in three new members–Emily McCadden, Chris Waldmann and Cole White. Congratulations to the newest members to represent and serve the Sunnyside community. 

Ash Hester’s term as SNA President has ended. Many thanks for her years of involvement on the SNA Board! In her letter to the neighborhood via our newsletter, here’s what she shared: “I close with my complete gratitude for having had the opportunity to serve Sunnyside. My term is now complete and I will be stepping down from my role as the SNA President. There is much that I have learned through the process. I made many connections and got to see the organization develop a strong foundation. I’m excited to see the SNA continue this momentum and be the example within the city of Portland that local government does have a high impact. Be well and stay involved.” 

The Sunnyside Neighborhood Community Cares (SNACC) Committee will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, July 21, 6:30-8 pm. Weather permitting, we hope to meet outside at Laurelhurst Park. Last month we discussed strategic planning for the Sunnyside Shower Project. We will be continuing this conversation and picking up any new topics relevant to the community that emerge over the next few weeks. Check the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association website for details about the agenda and location of the meeting or email

There is no SNA General and Board meeting for the month of July due to organizing officer roles and preparing for the August meeting.

Neighborhood Notes July 2022

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