In January, SE comic shop Books With Pictures, has two events–one at a partner location and one at their space on 1401 SE Division St.
First up is Cozy Queer Reading Hours at Sonny’s House of Tattoos & Treasures Saturday, January 21, 12-4 pm. Combat seasonal badbrain snuggled up in a lovely space reading some good books. Bring a friend and browse a selection of cozy queer favorites, grab a comfy chair and settle in. Chat about your favorite feel-good queer tales. It’s like what a book fair would look like playing low-fi, making your brain do a big cat purr. Sonny’s is located at 2504 NE Sandy Blvd.
The following weekend, Books With Pictures hosts local creator Aaron Durán, celebrating the release of “Season of the Bruja.” Swing by, get your copy signed and tell Aaron how much you love his stuff. The event takes place 3-5 pm Saturday, January 28.