TriMet has been collaborating with the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Portland Bureau of Transportation to keep students and other people around Cleveland High School safe. In doing so, they reviewed options for relocating the Line 9-Powell Blvd. bus stop on the south side of Powell Blvd. at SE 26th Ave. and confirmed that its current location is the safest.
Compared to other potential locations, there is more space for students to congregate. In addition the right turn lane on Powell acts as a buffer between students waiting for the bus and through traffic on Powell. While there will be no changes to Line 9, there are planned crossing improvements and lowered speeds to make the intersection safer for students.
There will be changes made to the route of the Line 70-12th/NE 33rd Ave. bus line, however. Currently, students from the neighborhoods of Sellwood, Westmoreland, Eastmoreland and Brooklyn have two options, both requiring a walk across Powell Blvd. Changing the Line 70 route means fewer students who live south of Powell will need to cross the street on foot.
The rerouting will drop students off on SE 21st Ave. instead of SE 26th Ave. The lower volume of traffic on 21st Ave. will provide more safety and students will be able to spread themselves out on the walk to and from Cleveland High School, minimizing crowding on SE 26th Ave.
The Line 70 change is tentatively scheduled for May 2023. Provide feedback on this and all 2023-24 transit service changes at .