Northwest Radon Poster Contest

The 2024 Northwest Radon Poster Contest is currently accepting submissions from students ages 9-14 that are enrolled in a public, private, territorial, tribal, Department of Defense or home schools. The contest gives students a creative outlet to learn about and raise awareness of radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can build up in any home, often reaching the highest levels during the winter season.
Posters should include one of the following topics: what radon is, where it comes from, how it gets into homes, testing for radon, mitigating radon and radon being a cause of lung cancer. Artwork must be original and only one submission is allowed per student.
Poster sizes of 8.5” x 11” or 11” x 17” are preferred but all submission sizes will be accepted. Posters should be created on white paper and can be done with crayons, markers, paints, collage, pencil or computer graphics.
Submissions will be judged on a number of criteria including a clear title, clear message, accuracy of information, visual communication and originality/creativity. First, second and third place winners in Oregon will receive cash prizes in the form of a gift card ($100 for first, $75 for second and $50 for third place). A regional grand prize winner will receive a $300 gift card. First place winners from each state will be entered in the 2025 National Radon Poster Contest, and their posters may be used for educational outreach on websites, social media and billboards.
The Northwest Radon Poster Contest is sponsored by Oregon Health Authority’s Radon Awareness Program, Washington State Department of Health, Nez Perce Tribe, Spokane Tribe of Indians and the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare, in collaboration with the National Radon Program, Conference of Radiation Control Program and US Environmental Protection Agency.
Full contest requirements, release waiver and link to entry at . Entries are due by 11:59 pm February 28.

Northwest Radon Poster Contest

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