TriMet Proposed 2025 Fiscal Budget

By Kris McDowell

In March, TriMet released their proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25), which is now open for public testimony prior to TriMet’s May meeting in which the Board will consider adopting it. TriMet must adopt a final budget by July 1 in order to stay in compliance with Oregon Budget Law and to begin spending funds allocated for FY25.
The proposed $1.75 billion budget is putting a priority on ridership and getting more people to utilize buses and trains. It will allow TriMet to grow ridership, improve customer experience so people feel comfortable and confident each time they ride and add service, as staffing allows.
In addition to continuing to run existing buses and trains in the 533-square mile service district, it would add four new Frequent Service bus lines; add new bus lines in East Portland, Sellwood and West Linn; extend service in East Multnomah County and I-205 between Tualatin and Oregon City; add more buses to well-used lines that do not currently have Frequent Service; and continue to streamline routes and discontinue service with less ridership and demand.
The service improvement and expansion plans require appropriate staffing levels to be successful and sustainable. Hiring and training additional operators and maintenance staff will continue to be an important emphasis in FY25, as will efforts to increase retention of both new and long-term employees.
The budget also includes more resources to support maintenance and cleanliness of buses, trains and the overall transit system. Ongoing spot cleaning, deep cleaning, graffiti cleanup and aesthetic repairs are designed to make the system feel more desirable and welcoming overall.
In the FY25 budget, TriMet has quadrupled the funds for safety and security from what they were in FY22. Over the last year they have doubled the number of security personnel on the transit system and continue to adopt a comprehensive and layered approach to safety and security. Included among the 350+ unarmed security personnel is the Safety Response Team, whose members carry Narcan, the nasal spray that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. The Safety Operations Center, which helps coordinate TriMet’s response to non-emergency security concerns that occur, can be reached by riders 24 hours a day by texting or calling 503.238.7433 or by using the security button at
The A Better Red project wraps up in FY25, set for completion in late August. The project is one of TriMet’s capital projects; others include replacing the oldest light rail vehicles with new Type 6 models, expanding the SE Park Ave. Park & Ride and developing the Columbia Operations facility, which is pivotal for testing and expansion of the Zero-Emissions Bus Program.
A continued transition to a zero-emissions bus fleet, as well as the expansion of electric bus charging infrastructure at the Merlo and Powell Operations facilities, is in response to global warming and ongoing climate crisis. Once the initial bulk purchase of 24 battery-electric buses is complete, there will be 34 operating, making up about five percent of the total bus fleet. TriMet aims to continue to build capacity to reach their goal of a full zero-emissions fixed-route fleet by 2040.
Over 90 percent of the funding for FY25 operating resources comes from three sources: payroll tax revenues ($540 million), passenger revenues ($62 million) and federal operating grants ($139 million). A small portion of the funding comes from accessible transportation and service contracts and advertising.
Upcoming TriMet Board meetings take place Wednesday, April 24 and Wednesday, May 22. The public can provide testimony at the meetings either in-person or virtually. Visit for meeting details and additional information about providing testimony.

TriMet Proposed 2025 Fiscal Budget

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