NW Cider Cup Awards Party

The NW Cider Cup will unveil this year’s best Northwest made ciders, hailing from OR, WA, ID, MT and British Columbia, Thursday, June 20 at an awards party in SE Portland. Now in its 11th year, the NW Cider Cup is the country’s most stringent cider competition, judging ciders from the nation’s largest apple growing region.
“Mark your calendar, because this is THE competition for finding the best local and regional ciders,” says Emily Ritchie of the NW Cider Association, the trade non-profit that organizes the Cup. OSU’s Food Innovation Center recently conducted a study and found thousands of locals that are eager to drink cider but lack guidelines for how to find their preferred styles. The NW Cider Cup aspires to help demystify cider styles and determine quality standards in order to help consumers select the best and find what they like.
Competitive and highly respected, the NW Cider Cup brings in national and international judges to evaluate entries and provide constructive peer-to-peer feedback to cider and perry makers. Each year, judges participate in general and sensory training, then conduct an all-day blind judging to select the winners in over 15 categories.
To join the more than 200 cider industry professionals and cider enthusiasts that will gather for a celebratory evening, visit bit.ly/3WPQsMi to reserve your tickets ($25). Hors d’oeuvres will be served and a selection of winning ciders will be available for purchase during the 21+, 5-8 pm event at Holocene, 1001 SE Morrison St.

NW Cider Cup Awards Party

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