MCL Events For All Ages

Multnomah County Library (MCL) invites the community to join in a variety of free, fun events for all ages this month. “Our spring programming lineup is overflowing with events that reflect our diverse communities and offer opportunities to learn new things, connect and just plain have fun,” says Events and Reader Services Manager Alison Hallett. “With events all throughout the region and for all ages, you’re bound to find something for you!”
At the Belmont Library, highlighted events include music, drawing and painting. Sunday, May 12, 1-2 pm, The Orchid Trio plays classical, popular and world music. The string trio, composed of violinist Siying Ge, violist Deborah Shuster and cellist Quinn Liu, is excited to share an appreciation of chamber music performance and collaboration with audiences. To celebrate Earth Month, Bug Out! Drawing and Painting Insects takes place Saturday, May 18, 11 am-noon. Investigate real insects and create detailed nature-based drawings and paintings.
MCL offers programs and services for community members at locations across the area all-year round. Check out what’s happening at

MCL Events For All Ages

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