Central Eastside Access and Circulation Project

If you regularly drive on SE Sandy Blvd. as it curves south of E Burnside St. you’ve noticed the construction and changes to the intersection at SE Ankeny St./11th Ave. recently. That construction, as well as the work at SE Grand at Salmon St. and SE MLK at Salmon St., is part of the Central Eastside Access and Circulation project. The project will improve freight access and circulation and reduce multimodal conflicts in the Central Eastside by adding traffic signals, consistent with the adopted SE Quadrant Plan, Central City 2035 plan and Central City in Motion.
At each of these three intersections, traffic signals and accessible curb ramps will be installed along high visibility pedestrian crossings and bicycle connections to existing bike routes. Striping and signal changes will also be implemented at SE Stark St. at MLK and Grand.
The new traffic signals on SE Salmon St. at MLK/Grand and SE Sandy Blvd. at SE 11th Ave./Ankeny St. will result in circulation changes. Vehicular access will be maintained, but access with change as some approaches to these intersections will be made one-way only.
Intersection improvements that were originally planned at SE Grand and Washington St. and NE 16th Ave. and Irving St. as part of this project have been postponed as a result of dramatic cost increases for construction and materials.

Contractors working for PBOT pour a new ADA ramp corner at SE Salmon St. and Grand Ave. Photo by PBOT.

Central Eastside Access and Circulation Project

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