OMSI Event and New Exhibit

The first October event at OMSI is Science Pub: Where Do Ethics Belong in AI? Tuesday, October 1, 7-9 pm. The camera on-board a self-driving car switches to a power-saving mode and takes low-resolution images; as a result, the car hits a pedestrian. A mundane decision to save battery thus becomes a decision to value battery life over human life: all without anyone–or any thing–ever explicitly making that choice. Where do ethics (and the discipline of Ethics) belong in Artificial Intelligence? What occupies the minds of ethicists and computer scientists working on AI today? And what are some of the approaches we might take–as engineers and as a community–to best leverage and evaluate AI developments? Tickets are sliding scale.
Wednesday, October 16, 6:30-8:30 pm is an opportunity to flaunt your knowledge and win awesome prizes. Educated Guess: Tectonic Trivia presents earthquake-themed trivia in honor of ShakeOut week. Test your knowledge of earthquake preparedness, pop culture and plate tectonics. Build a team of up to six people; the top three scoring teams will receive prizes. Admission is $10 per person for the all-ages event. Food and drink will be available from OMSI’s Theory restaurant.
Join OMSI for their fourth annual Black Community Science Night Friday, October 18, 6-9 pm. The family friendly event welcomes visitors of all ages for a night of museum exploring, science demos, lectures and cultural entertainment. Tickets ($10 adults, $8 youth/seniors) include all activities.
OMSI After Dark: Spirits! takes place Wednesday, October 30, 6-10 pm. Get in the spirit and celebrate Halloween with fellow 21+ guests to have a drink while roaming the museum. Taste the difference between grain and potato vodka while local distilleries share the secrets of their craft. Costumes are encouraged although no weapons (real or fake) will be allowed in the museum. Full face masks are allowed as long as they are removable; no full face paint. Tickets ($25 general admission, $50 tasting package includes glass and 10 tasting tickets) include access to all of OMSI’s exhibit halls, activities, performances, Planetarium shows, lectures and vendors taking place at the event.
OMSI’s newest exhibit, Exquisite Creatures Revealed, opens Saturday, October 5. A new and expanded showcase of work from artist and naturalist Christopher Marley, his intricate artworks feature rare organisms from around the world, including a 10-foot Japanese Spider Crab, a striking Amazonian stingray and a never before preserved leafy seadragon from Australia, in stunning displays like you’ve never seen before. The exhibit is included with museum general admission.
Tickets for events and more information about what is going on at OMSI is available at OMSI is located at 1945 SE Water Ave.

OMSI Event and New Exhibit

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