Buckman Community Association
By Susan Lindsay
The Buckman Community Association meets monthly every second Thursday of the month, 7-9 pm at 1137 SE Salmon St. Enter on SE Salmon St. just past the tool library entrance. All are welcome. The meeting has a hybrid format also. The link is found on our website, buckmanpdx.org.
On September 12, the BCA welcomes another group of District 3 City Commissioner candidates in our quest to expose the community directly with those running for these important positions. Daniel DeMelo, Chris Flannery and Angellita Morillo will be present to introduce themselves, explain their views and why they are running for office and field your questions.
Also we’ve asked County Commissioner Sharon Meieran to help update neighbors about the deflection center and other county efforts pertaining to social service help for those in need. The BCA, along with members from the CEIC, businesses, residents and the childcare center, are beginning efforts to craft a good neighbor agreement ahead of the planned deflection center opening. You can also check our dedicated Deflection Center page on our website which hosts many articles related to the proposal.
The Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge design was selected, but you can still weigh in as the County Commission needs to approve the committee’s choice. More on that at the meeting.
Last month, the BCA held a widely successful 12th Annual “Buckman Picnic in the Park,” complete with free ice cream, music, bouncy house, fire truck, baby goats and lots of happy kids! A good time was had by all! We have now completely exhausted our funds to host this all volunteer picnic and will be initiating a fundraising drive to replenish our fully tax deductible account at our fiscal sponsor, Southeast Uplift Inc. If you would like to see the picnic and Buckman Movie (which also costs money to host) continue, please consider donating. Send a check to SEUL at 3534 SE Main St., 97214, made out to “Southeast Uplift” and put **For Buckman Picnic 2024** in the memo line. You can also directly donate from our website. Thanks to all who have contributed funds and valued volunteer efforts to make our free events possible!
By Jill Riebesehl
At the Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Association Board’s August retreat, we were pleased to have a visit from Paul Leistner, who has studied, participated in and worked with neighborhood associations (NAs) in Portland for decades. He participated in our wide-ranging conversation discussing the history and role of NAs. We are written into the city Code Chapter 3.96, to encourage participation in civic affairs and aid community engagement. Our relationship with the city has waxed and waned over the decades.
We discussed our uncertainty over how the new city charter, going into effect in January, will affect us and city residents, that all-important constituency. Leistner, who lives in the Mt. Tabor neighborhood, has met with NAs across the city and heard similar questions and concerns as to how we all will fit in as the governing structure changes. He suggested new ways to look at what we can do and different ways to organize with other NAs where we see similar concerns. We brainstormed on how to create a more heard voice, how to reach out to neighbors’ concerns and more effectively respond to and be in a position to help out.
The next HAND meeting will be Tuesday, September 10, 7 pm on the St. Philip Neri Campus. Our meeting dates have changed to the second Tuesday of the month.
South Tabor Neighborhood Association
By Cathy Kudlick
The South Tabor Neighborhood Association did not meet in August, but in September be on the lookout for the second issue of the recently revived South Tabor Crow and for our regular monthly in-person meetings the third Thursday of the month that resume September 19, 7 pm. As always, you can find more information at southtabor.org. Happy summer everyone!
Richmond Neighborhood Association
By Allen Field
The Richmond Neighborhood Association (RNA) held its monthly meeting August 12. Meetings are the second Monday of the month, 7-9 pm, except January. They are held in-person at Central Christian Church, 1844 SE Cesar Chavez Blvd. People can participate via Zoom; the link to pre-register is on the agenda, which is posted to richmondpdx.org and the RNA Announce listserv. To be added to the listserv, email richmondnasecretary@gmail.com.
Rob Nosse, Oregon House Representative District 42, spoke at length on current issues in the Oregon House with much Q&A and offered his thoughts on the city council race. He has not yet endorsed any of the candidates for District 3, that encompasses Richmond.
Saturday, October 12, 9 am-noon, at Central Christian Church, 1834 SE Cesar Chavez Blvd. will be a recycling event. Green Century Recycling will handle the Styrofoam/stretch plastic, and Metro will handle the CFL/batteries/meds/sharps collection. We will also accept recyclable cans and bottles to help fund C3 Food Pantry. More details are on the RNA website and in the Summer issue of the Richmond Newsletter.
If you did not receive the newsletter at your house, it means there is no delivery person for that route. Contact rnanewsletter@gmail.com if you want to help with delivering the newsletter.
The next RNA meeting is Monday, September 9. Everyone is welcome. Please join us and learn about ways to get more involved in your community.
Sunnyside Neighborhood Association
By Gloria Jacobs
The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association is now meeting the second Wednesday of the month in the Fireside Room at SE Uplift (3534 SE Main) at 7 pm. This month’s General meeting is September 11 and there are two main agenda topics. First, a representative from the Government Transition office will explain voting in the new city election system. Second, there will be a discussion of the new pedestrian plaza planned for SE 37th Ave. between Madison and Hawthorne streets.
With construction beginning on the Belmont Library, a new temporary service location is opening at 3557 SE Hawthorne Blvd. This location will offer limited services, including book hold pick-up, 24/7 returns and free wireless printing. The project is targeted for completion in the spring of 2026. Until then, don’t forget that you can place holds, download e-books using the free Libby app, and visit any other Multnomah County library branch for additional services and events.
The Belmont Street Fair is Saturday, September 14, 10 am–5 pm. Come support local vendors and enjoy the first festival of fall with friends and neighbors.
Interested in learning more about the District 3 City Council Candidates and their plans to tackle homelessness? Portland Community College will be hosting a District 3 Candidate Forum and Summit on Homelessness Thursday, September 26, 6-8:30 pm. Light refreshments provided. RSVP at tinyurl.com/2j8sm8dp by Monday, September 23.
Want to help the SNA serve the community by aiding our less fortunate neighbors, beautifying Sunnyside and doing community outreach and education? You can donate with Give Lively (secure.givelively.org/donate/southeast-uplift-neighborhood-program-inc/sunnyside-neighborhood-association) or by texting SUNNYSIDE to 44-321. Thanks for your continued support.